Hey 👋, I'm Ujaan!
Hong Kong
I'm a computer engineering student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I love building things and sharing my knowledge with others. Welcome to my personal website!
💻 Programming Languages
⚙️ Frameworks
📊 Technologies
🗃️ Databases
⏰ Currently I'm...
🤖 Working on my Final Year Project - Developing a person-specific following robot that uses UWB, CV and SLAM to navigate complex environments and follow certain individuals.
🔬 Researching large-scale assertion generation in Java - Working with Prof. SC Cheung at HKUST to explore the efficacy of different LLMs in Java testcase generation.
⌨️ Building my own custom keyboard - Developing firmware and soldering components together for my very own custom ergonomic, split-layout keyboard, built on the STM32 MCU.
📽️ Featured Projects
View More...Mastering React Hooks
A comprehensive guide to using React Hooks effectively in your projects.
📬 Featured Posts
View More...Mastering React Hooks
A comprehensive guide to using React Hooks effectively in your projects.